Today I am very proud of myself, not in a prideful way mind you, but in a ‘proud of myself for doing something hard for me’ way. I have gotten up at 6 a.m. for 5 mornings in a row...I know, I know, some of you are saying, “Big Deal, I’ve done that all my life!”. Well, I’m not a morning person as my family and friends know. I don’t like getting out of that warm cozy bed, purring cat hogging my robe. Oh, I can get up early-I get up at 5 a.m. during the fair, 6 a.m. for camp-in those situations others are dependent on me as we need to get to the fairgrounds by 6 a.m. or I need to get cooking for the camp. Just don’t talk to me much the first hour, the conversation center in my brain’s not awake. (This was tried once at camp by a obtuse volunteer, it didn’t go over well at all!)
Having a busy household, one of my goals has been to get going sooner, I felt I must do this thing-roll out of bed an hour earlier. Ugh. When tried before I failed miserably...however I believe I have found the solution. It sounds really silly too-just get up when the alarm goes off. That’s all, just roll out of bed, go turn on the coffee, feed the cat and the rest of the morning routine. No thinking or analyzing allowed! Before my downfall was thinking before rolling out of bed, stopped me in my tracks, er sheets, right there...before I knew it the alarm was repeating itself for the 3rd or 4th time. I’d have to spring up and hustle to get lunches made, get myself taken care of, chores and off to work or wherever. Stressful! With no time for me or eating nicely or even cleaning up! I even tried to justify it-I‘ll pray, I’ll think about the coming day. Right, you know what happened of course, I just went back to sleep!
So, it will be interesting to see if I can keep this up-I am going to try. If I have extra time in the mornings I can work on the computer or get chores out of the way. I can bake, clean toilets, work in the garden, pray or read! The possibilities are endless...Wish me good success! :)