Our summer has been busy and the latest thing keeping me busy is my job, dog sitting Mike's new puppy (who is yet to be house broken, but we are working on that) and the garden. Darn fog has come in daily and the tomatoes are so slow in growing and ripening! I don't know about you, but I love good homegrown tomatoes-there is nothing like them! If I have extra I will freeze them...if I don't use them up in sauces or salsas that is :)
Here are some photos of the garden that I took before I traveled to San Diego to visit with my cousin Susan. By God's good grace, those plants have gotten bigger-I will have to take some more photos of them again!
Note the tomatoes in the buckets and bins-that is because they are heirlooms and I have bad luck with planting them in my soil. I followed the instructions found here and so far, so good. I only had about 5 die or simply disappear. :( And they left no forwarding address....
Okay, so I only have about 14 or 15 counting the volunteers...(why do they always do so well? I want to know the secret!!)
This is a shot of the zinnias, mint in pots, rhubarb in bigger pots and the potatoes (yes!) in the garbage can and the compost behind the barrel. The barrel will be planters for fruit trees next year, while the soil has been moved so it is not so unsightly.
A parting shot of the beautiful koi in a garden in Encinitas. With luck I will post more about that visit later...you should visit it if you are near there as it is both peaceful and beautiful.